Acupuncture is consisted to be one of the oldest forms of therapy in the world. Its history can be dated back to more than 2,000 years ago. This ancient medical technique has been traditionally used in Asia for centuries to help manage different types of conditions. In recent times, acupuncture has been increasingly popular in Western countries for treating pain conditions, digestive conditions, gynecology conditions, headaches, insomnia, chronic fatigue and even cosmic acupuncture.
Acupuncture normally involves the insertion of a single-use sterile needle to a specific part of the body in which we call acupuncture points. Under normal circumstances, abundant life-force energy or “Qi” will flow pass these acupuncture points, however, if these acupuncture points become block by pathogens and Qi become stagnated, will result in pain and illnesses.
Acupuncture works by unblocking this stagnation and help re-establishes the free flow of Qi. It also activates the body’s own healing system and helps bring the body back to balance. We as Chinese Medicine Practitioners will carefully select acupuncture points according to their functions and the corresponding symptoms of our patients.
Click here to learn more about Acupuncture.
Cupping therapy normally involves attaching a glass cup onto the skin surface by using negative pressure. This negative pressure can be created by using a flame-induce suction or some other method of causing a vacuum within the cup.
Cupping has a similar function to acupuncture. It helps breaks up the stagnation within the meridian system and assists the re-establishment of the free flow of Qi and blood.
Cupping is mostly used for providing relief to muscle tightness and pain but can be used for other conditions. These conditions may include but not limited to, digestive conditions, chronic fatigue, stress management, sports injuries and low back pain.
We do offer stationary cupping which the glass cups stays at one position and sliding cupping where the cups move along the surface of the skin with the aid of massage oil producing a moderate massage.
After cupping therapy there will be red congested marks displayed on the surface of the skin for several days. The disappearing of these red congested marks can vary from individual to individual, some may take 1-3 days and others can take a bit longer. Our practitioner can further discuss with you if you have any further concern with regards to the red congested marks.
Chinese Herbal Medicine can be considered to be the backbone of Chinese Medicine. It has been practised in China under the guidance of Chinese Medicine theories for centuries in support of the prevention and treatment of diseases. It is normally used in conjunction with acupuncture but can also be used alone.
Chinese herbal Medicine comprised of many different types of individual herbs. The majority of the herbs used are plant-based materials which include seeds, flower, branches, roots and leaves. Occasionally, minerals and animal product may be added to the herbal formula. It is important to note that we do support the ethical use of medicinal herbs and that we will not use or sell any herbs that are listed as endangered on the CITES list.
Our Chinese Medicine Practitioner will normally prescribe a herbal prescription consist of 2 -20 herbs to help treat a patient’s conditions. Each herb will have its unique functions and actions on the body hence our Practitioner will carefully select herbs and tailor the herbal prescription according to your needs.